Saturday, June 4, 2011

Greetings from....


I'm guessing most of you weren't expecting that one! But it is the truth...kinda. I should say greetings from Windsor seeing as though the Queen's castle (one of them anyway) is 200 meters up the street. I'm staying at The Windsor Castle Hotel curtousy of American Airlines!

I also got to stay the night at a Crowne Plaza in Chicago on Friday night because our flight to Brussels was cancelled. Our new route to Uganda (that only accepts international flights every other day) included a nearly 24hour layover in London! so just another stamp in the passport and a day less in Uganda.

The other half of our team arrived in Uganda safely earlier this evening and will begin with church tomorrow morning. We will join them after an overnight flight on Sunday arriving at 8 am on Monday morning (midnight in Wichita).

There have been many hiccups so far for our part of the team, but everyone has reacted positively and we are just being flexible right now!

Please continue praying for us and for the other part of our team that has safely made it to Uganda!

Oh, quick funny one in England is from England! Our cab drivers were both from Afghanistan, our hotel staff were from Japan and India and my new friend,Andi, is from Scotland! Andi was attempting to give me directions for our day of sightseeing tomorrowand when he read our team tee shirts that say "International Voice of the Orphan"...his response was "I'm the International Voice of the Whiskey bottle!" it came from a man easily 6 feet 5 inches tall with red hair and a thick Scottish timber in his voice. at 1 am it was funny and 3 of us looked at each other and said "that is blog material", now it is on a blog!

I don't know when I will be able to update again, but wanted you to know that I never made it to Brussels, but instead get a mini vacation in London! God is never predictable!

Have a great Sunday with your church families worshipping our Lord and Savior!

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