Monday, May 30, 2011

Questions of the Week

Well, the question of the week has been some variance of:  "Are you ______________ about going to Africa?"   You can fill in the blank with some sort of emotion word (nervous, scared, excited, ready, anxious) and get the idea of the week I've had!

Depending on the exact moment of the question, the answer is always different!  I haven't yet had the nervous or scared all.  I'm READY....well, not ready because I haven't packed anything yet, but ready nonetheless.  I'm not nervous or scared about any aspect of this upcoming trip.  I've been at peace about everything from funds, shots, supplies, not knowing anyone, flights, and having NO control over anything!  It's all good!  And for anyone that knows me well, this is not normal for me!  I like to be in control, know what's happening next, and to be prepared - I would have been a phenomenal Boy Scout!

Am I excited!?!?  That, my friends, is a ridiculous question!  Absolutely!  This is an experience I have always dreamed of and dreams are becoming reality.  Granted, I'm not there yet, but even the planning of this is further than I've ever come before!  God has this adventure in His hand.  Even if something happens to somehow disallow this trip to happen, so be it!  God has taught me so much about faith and trust to this point that it's all been worth it!

2nd question of the week:  How long of a flight is it to get to Uganda?
Short Answer: 24 hrs 15 minutes
Long Answer: I have THE BEST flight schedule!  I will leave from the Wichita airport on Friday, June 3rd at 1:30 pm (1hr 50 min flight), connect through Chicago (8 hr 15 min flight) and Brussels, Belgium (10 hr 15 min flight) before arriving in Entebbe, Uganda, Africa at 9:45 pm local time (1:45 pm on Saturday Central time).

3rd question of the week: Is it too late to donate?
Short Answer:  of course NOT!
Long Answer:  I am still taking donations of supplies (kids toys, some kids clothes, VBS supplies) - I'll be packing it all up on Thursday so I'll need them prior to that day!  If you would like to donate CASH money, your donation will support either the pastors leadership conference or the building of the boys home we'll be working on while there!

Thank you for continuing to keep the people of Uganda in your prayers.  I can almost guarantee that they are not ready for me!  There are plenty more reasons to pray for them though!  Also, please cover the Uganda GO Team with prayer.  There are 22 of us - all going for different reasons, but all with a common be the hands and feet of Jesus.  That right there is just an open invitation for satan to attack.  Thankfully, we've got the Almighty on our side...I'll bet on Him any day!

1 comment:

  1. i SO get what you mean when you say, "Even if something happens to somehow disallow this trip to happen, so be it!"

    God has done some MIGHTY things in my heart and in my life these past few months leading up to this trip. even if that's ALL He wanted to do....even in the trip was never intended....I'm thankful! He has done SO MUCH.

    oh, and remind me to tell you the "visa money mishap miracle" while on a long flight. seriously, God is so good to this crazy forgetful, sometimes scatter brained girl. He watches out for me. Oh yes He does!!
