72 hours from now, I'll be running around doing the final, very last minute errands before hopping on a jet plane. It could be an emotional morning for me, possibly! I mean, I'm leaving my precious Deacon behind! (and yes, he does have a body & back legs, they just aren't showing in this picture!)
Today I am doing the fun chores...laundry, cleaning, and preliminary packing. Some of you may be wondering why I need to do 'preliminary' packing instead of just packing. Well, here is the stuff I am trying to fit into my suitcases.
VBS supplies:
Beads and supplies for at least 300 bracelets/necklaces
2 sets of face paint/brushes
11 boxes of 24 crayons
2 boxes of 48 crayons (I can split these up into 5 or 6 crayons per snack size ziploc if that helps)
5 boxes of colored pencils
70 pencils
25 pens
24 pencil sharpeners
500 sheets of construction paper (all colors)
150 sheets of notebook paper
THOUSANDS of stickers
8 coloring books
5 pair adult scissors
8 pair kid scissors
300 dum dum suckers
400 mini tootsie rolls
a few smaller packages of misc. candy (bubble gum, pixy sticks)
60 granola bars
9 pair flip flops
93 beanie babies
12 matchbox cars
3 soccer balls
4 footballs
27 yo-yos
25 jump ropes
random McDonald's toys
24 toothbrushes
400 bandaids
14 bottles of nail polish
socks and onesies
100 sandwich ziploc bags
50 snack size ziploc bags
Maybe photos will be able to more accurately convey the enormity of this! Sorry about the quality of the cell phone pics!
Thank you all for your generosity in not just sending ME, but sending me with all kinds of love for the kids of Uganda!!
Now I just need to find room to pack my toothbrush and deodorant!
love, love your writings and humor and I cracked up laughing at the remark about Deke "having back legs and a body" still laughing. Poor Dekie!
ReplyDeleteGreat blogs....I had to catch up...now I am for sure going to bed now. it's very late!